Saturday, March 6, 2010

Microdistilling - the start of a journey

Returning home to SF from 2 packed days at Cornell. Who would have guessed that such a short course could have imparted so much 'jedi' wisdom in a bunch of newbies. The participants were an eclectic set ti be sure - from farmers to semiconductor engineers. The British Nigerian entrepreneur planning to distill cassava root vodka in Lagos. The Philly/NH-based artist group that is producing Root - an 80 proof spirit inspired by pre-prohibition rootbeer. You get the picture. The instructors came from a leading manufacturer of artisanal stills in Germany, joined by Kris Berglund, the wise man of American distilling at Michigan State. Seriously experienced guys with a lot of enthusiasm for their subject. As I reflect on the flight home, all the questions that I should have asked and turning in my mind. I suppose that's a good sign - more questions than answers at this point. I can say that walking down the drab 1960s era corridor to the experimental lab I got a little spring in my step and a grin broke out on my face. This stuff is seriously fun.

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Location:Enroute from Geneva NY